
A REST API refers to a Representational State Transfer Application
Programming Interface. It’s
an architectural style for creating APIs that use HTTP requests to access
and modify data in
Odoo. REST APIs are resource-oriented, stateless, cacheable, layered, and
uniform interfaces.
The HTTP request lets you get, put, post, and delete data. This module
allows you to access and
modify data using HTTP requests in Odoo. You can update a record from the
database according to
your needs. The Odoo app permits you to send a request in JSON format and
get the response in
JSON or XML (as per configuration).

Odoo REST API is a powerful tool that can automate tasks, integrate Odoo with other applications, customize instructions, update processes, etc. Here are some of the specific purposes of the Odoo REST API:
- REST API can help automate tasks like sending emails, creating invoices, and updating product prices. It aids in improving efficiency and saving time.
- You can get, put, post, and delete data using the API to make processing more efficient.
- It lets you alter or update specific records and can choose different types of functions for them (get, post, put, or delete).

The module can now authenticate a user for API creation. User Authentication helps to know who created the REST API, its purpose, and for which actions. It adds a validation layer to protect data and ensures that only authorized users can access the API resources. Additionally, it helps prevent data breaches, fraud, and other security risks.
Search Request
Key | Value |
api-key | String |
token | String |
Key | Value |
domain | String |
fileds | String |
This api will let you to search the record from a particular model and read the
fields of them accordingly.
You can set the domain for custom filtering the records.
ex. domain=[('id','in',[13,9,11,12,14])]
You can also pass the fields in the fields Parameter to get only the fields
which you wanted.
ex. fields=['name','description','product_variant_ids']
Example: Search record from product.product
Request Type : GET
End Point :
Header : {"api_key":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
{ "object_name": "product.template", "responseCode": 200, "fields": "['name','description','product_variant_ids']", "model_id": 145, "permisssions": { "read": true, "create": true, "delete": true, "write": true }, "message": "Allowed all Models Permission: all", "success": true, "domain": "[('id','in',[13,10,11,12,14])]", "data": [ { "id": 11, "name": "Bose Mini Bluetooth Speaker", "description": false, "product_variant_ids": [ { "id": 14, "name": "Bose Mini Bluetooth Speaker" } ] }, { "id": 14, "name": "iPad Mini", "description": false, "product_variant_ids": [ { "id": 17, "name": "iPad Mini" } ] }, { "id": 10, "name": "iPad Retina Display", "description": false, "product_variant_ids": [ { "id": 10, "name": "iPad Retina Display" }, { "id": 11, "name": "iPad Retina Display" }, { "id": 12, "name": "iPad Retina Display" } ] }, { "id": 12, "name": "Custom Computer (kit)", "description": "Custom computer shipped in kit.", "product_variant_ids": [ { "id": 15, "name": "Custom Computer (kit)" } ] }, { "id": 13, "name": "Parts Replacement", "description": false, "product_variant_ids": [ { "id": 16, "name": "Parts Replacement" } ] } ] }
View Record
Key | Value |
api-key | String |
token | String |
Example: Get a record of sale.order.line
Request Type :GET
End Point : {{base_url}}/api/sale.order.line/
Header : {"api_key":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
{ "object_name": "sale.order.line", "responseCode": 200, "model_id": 241, "record_id": 2, "message": "Allowed all Models Permission: all", "success": true, "permisssions": { "read": true, "create": true, "delete": true, "write": true }, "data": [ { "sequence": 10, "__last_update": "2017-10-04 11:28:01", "is_downpayment": false, "price_tax": 0, "customer_lead": 0, "create_uid": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator" } ], "price_unit": 145, "product_qty": 5, "salesman_id": [ { "id": 5, "name": "Demo User" } ], "amt_invoiced": 0, "id": 2, "product_packaging": [], "qty_delivered": 0, "price_reduce_taxinc": 145, "price_reduce": 145, "price_total": 725, "move_ids": [], "layout_category_id": [], "route_id": [], "create_date": "2017-10-04 11:28:01", "currency_id": [ { "id": 1, "name": "EUR" } ], "product_id": [ { "id": 5, "name": "Datacard" } ], "write_date": "2017-10-04 11:28:01", "warning_stock": false, "amt_to_invoice": 725, "price_reduce_taxexcl": 145, "write_uid": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Administrator" } ], "company_id": [ { "id": 1, "name": "YourCompany" } ], "name": "Pen drive, 16GB", "product_uom_qty": 5, "qty_to_invoice": 0, "price_subtotal": 725, "is_delivery": false, "invoice_status": "no", "product_uom": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Unit(s)" } ], "qty_invoiced": 0, "state": "draft", "order_id": [ { "id": 1, "name": "SO001" } ], "display_name": "Pen drive, 16GB", "order_partner_id": [ { "id": 9, "name": "Agrolait" } ], "product_image":"" "layout_category_sequence": 0, "discount": 0, "qty_delivered_updateable": false } ] }
Update Record
Key | Value |
api-key | String |
token | String |
{ 'field_1':'value1', 'field_2':'value2', 'field_3':'value3' }
Example: Update a record of product.template
Type : PUT
End Point : {{base_url}}/api/product.template/
Header : {"api_key":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
response : { "responseCode": 200, "model_id": 145, "permisssions": { "read": true, "create": true, "delete": true, "write": true }, "message": "Allowed all Models Permission: all", "create_id": 75, "object_name": "product.template", "success": true }
Delete Record
Key | Value |
api-key | String |
token | String |
Example: Delete a record of product.template
Request Type : DELETE
End Point : {{base_url}}/api/product.template/
Header : {"api_key":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
response : { "responseCode": 200, "model_id": 145, "permisssions": { "read": true, "create": true, "delete": true, "write": true }, "message": "Allowed all Models Permission: all", "object_name": "product.template", "success": true }
Get Schema
Key | Value |
api-key | String |
token | String |
Example : Get schema for table product.product
Request Type : GET
End Point : {{base_url}}/api/res.lang/schema
Header : {"api_key":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
{ "responseCode": 200, "model_id": 73, "permisssions": { "read": true, "create": true, "delete": true, "write": true }, "message": "Allowed all Models Permission: all", "object_name": "res.lang", "success": true, "data": [ { "field_type": "char", "label": "Name", "readonly": false, "required": true, "field_name": "name" }, { "field_type": "char", "label": "Locale Code", "readonly": false, "required": true, "field_name": "code" }, { "field_type": "char", "label": "ISO code", "readonly": false, "required": false, "field_name": "iso_code" }, { "field_type": "boolean", "label": "Translatable", "readonly": false, "required": false, "field_name": "translatable" }, { "field_type": "boolean", "label": "Active", "readonly": false, "required": false, "field_name": "active" }, { "readonly": false, "field_name": "direction", "field_type": "selection", "label": "Direction", "required": true, "selection": [ [ "ltr", "Left-to-Right" ], [ "rtl", "Right-to-Left" ] ] }, { "field_type": "char", "label": "Date Format", "readonly": false, "required": true, "field_name": "date_format" }, { "field_type": "char", "label": "Time Format", "readonly": false, "required": true, "field_name": "time_format" }, { "field_type": "char", "label": "Separator Format", "readonly": false, "required": true, "field_name": "grouping" }, { "field_type": "char", "label": "Decimal Separator", "readonly": false, "required": true, "field_name": "decimal_point" }, { "field_type": "char", "label": "Thousands Separator", "readonly": false, "required": false, "field_name": "thousands_sep" }, { "field_type": "integer", "label": "ID", "readonly": true, "required": false, "field_name": "id" }, { "field_type": "char", "label": "Display Name", "readonly": true, "required": false, "field_name": "display_name" }, { "field_type": "many2one", "label": "Created by", "readonly": false, "required": false, "field_name": "create_uid" }, { "field_type": "datetime", "label": "Created on", "readonly": false, "required": false, "field_name": "create_date" }, { "field_type": "many2one", "label": "Last Updated by", "readonly": false, "required": false, "field_name": "write_uid" }, { "field_type": "datetime", "label": "Last Updated on", "readonly": false, "required": false, "field_name": "write_date" }, { "field_type": "datetime", "label": "Last Modified on", "readonly": true, "required": false, "field_name": "__last_update" } ] }
Create Request
Key | Value |
api-key | String |
token | String |
{ 'field_1':'value1', 'field_2':'value2', 'field_3':'value3' }
Example : Create a record of product.template
Request Type : POST
End Point : {{base_url}}/api/product.template/create
Header : {"api_key":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
response : { "responseCode": 200, "model_id": 145, "permisssions": { "read": true, "create": true, "delete": true, "write": true }, "message": "Allowed all Models Permission: all", "create_id": 75, "object_name": "product.template", "success": true }
Execute Function Request
Key | Value |
api-key | String |
token | String |
{ "method":"method name", "args":"argumemnts", "kw":"keyword arguments (i.e key value pairs)" }
Example : Trigger your odoo actions.
Request Type : POST
End Point : {{base_url}}/api/res.partner/execute_kw
Header : {"api_key":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}
Body : {"method":"name_get","args":[[2]],"kw":{}}
response : { "model_id": 74, "success": true, "message": "Method Successfully Called", "result": [ [ 2, "OdooBot" ] ], "responseCode": 200, "permisssions": { "read": true, "write": true, "delete": true, "create": true }, "object_name": "res.partner" }
Generate Token
Key | Value |
api-key | String |
login | String |
Example 8: Generate Login Token.
Request Type : POST
End Point : {{base_url}}/api/generate_token
Header :
{ "success": true, "message": "Token Successfully Generated", "responseCode": 200, "user_id": 2, "Token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJsb2dpbiI..........." }